Our wait time forecasting logic is complex, and you will find that our forecasts vary from date-to-date, even if those dates have the same crowd level on our Crowd Calendar. For example, the wait time for Space Mountain is not predicted to be 45 minutes at 11 AM on every day with a Magic Kingdom crowd level of 3.
Although our crowd levels are related to wait time forecasts, note that:
- Not all attractions are used in determining our "crowd level" values.
- Some attractions have similar wait times on days with different crowd levels.
- Our wait time forecasts are generally updated more frequently than our crowd levels, so you will often see wait time forecasts change before crowd levels change.
With our Personalized Touring Plan software, we recommend that you:
- Re-visit your plans just prior to your trip (or even the night before you execute the plan) in order to take advantage of the latest park hours, wait time forecasts, show times, etc.
- Use our Lines app to re-optimize your plan after you complete a couple of attractions. Your plan will update based on same-day observed park conditions.
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