Lines Chat is a moderated forum.
By participating in Lines Chat, you agree to the Terms of Use and the following chat rules:
- Lines Chat is dedicated to discussing touring [specific] theme parks. Off-topic or conversations [unrelated to theme park vacations] will not be retained.
- All discussions and language must be both respectful of other Lines users and family-friendly. Posts with innuendo, double entendres and suggestive language will not be retained.
- While we strive to be a family-friendly site, TouringPlans is a commercial web site and, as such, intended for adults. We recommend that you always monitor the Internet use of minors.
- Posts which interfere with the operation or moderation of Lines Chat will not be retained.
- Lines moderators will make the final decision on whether any post, conversation or user complies with these guidelines or their intent.
- Posts which do not meet these guidelines will not be retained. In those cases, moderators may warn users about their posts, temporarily suspend users from Chat, or prohibit users from further use of Chat.
- If you feel a thread doesn't meet the Chat guidelines, take it up with a moderator (, not with other posters. Telling another adult what to post or not online rarely goes over well and usually leads to further devolution of the thread in question. In other words, leave the moderating to the moderators.
Questions on these guidelines should be directed to
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